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티스토리 뷰




□사이드 브레이즈 (옆으로 땋은머리)


지난해부터 레트로 열풍이 계속되면서 브레이즈(땋은머리)의 인기 역시 급상승 중이다. 특히 시원하게 코디해야 하는 여름철에 목을 노출 시켜 줄 수 있는 땋은 머리는 바캉스룩 뿐 만 아니라 스포티즘룩과도 잘 어울려 트렌드 헤어스타일로 주목받고 있다.

단정하게 땋아 내린 스타일 혹은 말괄량이 삐삐가 떠오르는 브레이즈(땋은머리)가 최근 여성들에게 인기가 많은 이유는 여성스러움은 물론 사랑스러운 이미지 연출에도 효과적이며, 다른 헤어 스타일에 비해 다양하게 변형시킬 수 있는 장점이 있기 때문이다. 특히 긴머리를 옆으로 자연스럽게 땋은머리는 목선을 드러내어 내추럴하고 여성스러움을 배가시켜주어 세련미를 더해주며, 좀 더 내추럴하고 풍성한 머리 모양으로 연출하고 싶다면 먼저 모발 전체에 헤어스타일링기로 웨이브를 더해주면 된다. 셀럽들의 옆으로 땋은머리 스타일을 통하여 배워보자.






 블레이크 라이블리 (Blake Lively)
If you weren’t team Serena to begin with, braid-fanatic Blake Lively’s messy fishtail, on display at a Gucci event in NYC, is sure to act as your tipping point.






 에바 롱고리아 (Eva Longoria)
Even with her dramatic Vionnet cut-out gown, Eva Longoria’s elaborate fishtail braid and face-framing bangs stole the show.







엠버 허드 (Amber Heard)

Hairstylist Ricardo Rojas created an edgy side braid for the Cannes premiere of Two Days, One Night, softening Heard's look with tousled waves and dewy skin. 






 조안 스몰스 (Joan Smalls) 
No stranger to beauty, the supermodel accentuated her Vera Wang gown with a deep purple pout and sleek fishtail braid, showing that those with shorter layers (or even growing out bangs) can still wear the trend.






아만다 사이프리드 (Amanda Seyfried) 

Seyfried opted for a traditional braid at an Oscars after party, adding some modern appeal with height at the crown. 






자넬 모네 (Janelle Monae)
The singer walked the red carpet of the Met Gala in one of the most out-there styles we’ve seen, with a snake-like braid that wrapped Mohawk-style down her head.






프리다 핀토 (Freida Pinto)
Unlike most hairstyles, the beauty of braids is that they look even better as the day wears on, as shown by Pinto’s undone plait. 






 마리아 메노우노스 (Maria Menounos)
Menounos looked every bit the Grecian goddess in her textured plait. For major volume, gently loosen the finished braid by pulling outwards.






조 샐다나 (Zoe Saldana)
For added volume like Zoe Saldana’s waves, touch up loose strands with a curling iron. 






루시 리우 (Lucy Liu)
Liu paired her floral Oscar de la Renta gown with a crown-sweeping fishtail braid that added a sweet touch to her romantic look.






 아델 에그자르코풀로스 (Adele Exarchopoulos)
The French actress nailed the look at Cannes Film Festival’s Grace of Monaco premiere with her sultry smoky eyes, nude lips, and awe-inspiring braid.






 클로이 모레츠 (Chloe Moretz)
Add a touch of romance to your braid by securing with a ribbon à la Chloe Grace Moretz.






케리 워싱턴 (Kerry Washington)

The new mom looked purely ethereal in her side-swept braid, directing the focus to her peach-accented Thakoon gown.






재뉴어리 존스 (January Jones)

Jones looked far from alter ego Betty Draper’s structured bob in her messy, multi-tonal plait.






민디 캘링 (Mindy Kaling)

For an elegant twist on the braid, copy Kaling’s effortless style, complete with a deep side part.






 엠마 스톤 (Emma Stone)

Stone’s hairstylist Mara Roszak concealed her handiwork by wrapping the base of the braid with a strand of hair.






 샤넬 이만 (Chanel Iman)

Talk about coordination. Chanel Iman’s tightly woven braid mirrored the lines of her dress.






도젠 크로스 (Doutzen Kroes)
While it’s near impossible to bottle her mommy-to-be glow, Doutzen’s braid, on the other hand, is quite easy to imitate.





