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티스토리 뷰

환상적인 얼음조각의 향연, 중국하얼빈 얼음축제 개막


매월 1월이면 중국 하얼빈에서는 거대한 얼음축제가 펼쳐진다. 한 달간 이루어지는 얼음축제에는 놀라울 정도로 큰 얼음 조각품들이 전시되어 볼거리를 제공하고 있다. 세계 3대 겨울 축제로 꼽히는 하얼빈 빙등제는 거대한 성과 탑, 교회, 콜로세움 등 7m 두께의 쑹화 강 얼음으로 만들어진 2000여 개의 작품들이 밤이 되면 오색등을 밝혀 신비하고 아름다운 장관을 연출한다.





A colored village

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: A colored village





The Colosseum

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: The Colosseum




The entrance

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: The entrance




Green lights hues

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: Green lights hues




A Las Vegas-like structure 

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: A Las Vegas-like structure




The panorama

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: The panorama





Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: Moscow




The view

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: The view





Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: Pagodas




One of the palaces

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: One of the palaces




A pyramid

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: A pyramid




towers view

Amazing ice sculptures in China at the Harbin Festival 2014: towers view






