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티스토리 뷰


루이비통 Pre-Fall 2015 신상백

굿비즈 2015. 2. 11. 12:26






루이비통 Pre-Fall 2015 신상백

루이비통의 새로운 크리에이티브 디렉터 니콜라 제스키에르(Nicolas Ghesquiere)를 영입하면서 미학적인 변화를 만들내고 있다. 니콜라 제스키에르는 루이비통의 F/W 2014 컬렉션을 시작으로 S/S2015과 Pre-fall 2015 컬렉션에서는 오랜시간 루이비통을 이끌어온 마크제이콥스의 디자인과 함께 자신의 색깔을 담으려 하였다.

특히 Pre-fall 2015 컬랙션에서는 마치 70년대의 부활을 알리듯한 복고풍의 백을 출시함으로써 자신만의 스타일을 만들었다는 평가를 받고있다.



Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




Louis Vuitton’s Pre-Fall 2015 Bags Continue on the Brand’s 70s Revival Path




